Links for Health Professionals

North Western Melbourne PHN

Useful resources for primary care professionals working in clinical or community setting

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) is Australia’s largest professional general practice organisation and represents urban and rural general practitioners.

NPS MedicineWise

Free, independent, evidence-based info on medicines, health conditions & medical tests for health professionals & consumers.

HealthPathways (health service contacts within western melbourne)

HealthPathways is the central source of information for GPs and other primary health care providers in western region Melbourne. HealthPathways provides condition specific information on assessment, management and local referral options for clinician use during consultation.

The Royal Children's Hospital

Your guide to the RCH Children's health information Clinical practice guidelines

The Royal Woman's Hospital

The Royal Women's Hospital (Melbourne) is Australia's first and leading specialist hospital for the health and wellbeing of women and newborns.

IPC Health Community Healthcare

Community Healthcare (Sunshine, St Albans, Hoppers Crossing)

Mental Health in Multicultural Australia

Translated mental health information

DACAS - Drugs and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service  ph 1800 812 804

Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet

Resources for Indigenous Health

An Indispensable Guide to Diabetes

Dealing with diabetes can be overwhelming and frustrating. What should I be eating? Can I exercise? What kinds of insulin options are available? Your patients have many questions, and you need access to accurate information and useful resources. This is provided by the American "Guide to Healthcare Schools" which links to a variety of excellent resources - General Diabetes Information - Healthcare Info - Strategies for Living Well - Diabetes Organizations - Diabetes Studies.

Medical Observer

Has a collection of freely available online clinical guidelines and management tools produced by leading government, professional and consumer organisation. Although great care is taken to ensure accuracy of details, this may not always be the case and some links may not work.


SUMSearch is a unique method of searching for medical evidence by using the Internet. SUMSearch combines meta-searching and contingency searching in order to automate searching for medical evidence. Meta-searching, which is used by from general Internet search engines such as from Go2Net, Dogpile, and SavvySearch, means simultaneously searching multiple Internet sites and collating the results into one page.


Comprises the largest and most current Clinical Knowledge Base available to physicians and other healthcare professionals. Nearly 10,000 physician authors and editors contribute to the eMedicine Clinical Knowledge Base, which contains articles on 7,000 diseases and disorders. The evidence-based content, updated regularly, provides the latest practice guidelines in 59 medical specialties.

Australian sites on Breast Cancer for practitioners

A collection of useful sites for GPs and other clinicians. See also under Best Consumer sites above the sites suitable for patients.

Jean Hailes Foundation for Women's Health

Provides a unique response to the needs of women through excellence in research, community and professional education and clinical care.

Melbourne Sexual Health Centre

MSHC Online provides easy access to resources needed in a clinical setting, including a guide to help with diagnoses. Also useful section for your patients

Medicare Benefits Schedule Book Online

The MBS Book is quite easy to use and has an item number search (link)

Dermnet New Zealand - for doctors

An alphabetical listing and of skin diseases and treatments

Better Health Channel Service Directory

Use this directory to find specialists, GPs, Allied health Professionals in your suburb or postcode

General Practice Links

A GP web portal to Victorian Government information General Practice Links provides quick and easy access to Victorian Government websites commonly used by general practice. Its aim is to help general practitioners and general practice staff more readily access information and resources relevant to general practice.

Australian Doctor

Australian Doctor's series of patient information handouts cover common conditions seen in general practice. The series is written by distinguished academic GP Professor John Murtagh


The Australian Government has funded the Caresearch website that makes is as easy as possible to access information about palliative care. This website will become the Australian Palliative Care Knowledge Network in 2008. On 26 March 2007, Caresearch launched new resources for 1) patients, carers, families and friends, and 2) for GPs, with sections on quick clinical guidance, frequently asked questions, and palliative care in practice. There is also a section on current research evidence through Pubmed.


An interactive, electronic herbal database - provides hyperlinked access to the scientific data underlying the use of herbs for health. It is an impartial, evidence-based information resource provided by the nonprofit Alternative Medicine Foundation, Inc

Doctors Reference Site

Medical reference site aimed at doctors. Australian site but of worldwide interest. Includes medical publications, medical texts, Medline and conferences

Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing

The Health Institute is primarily a site for consumers to find high quality and relevant health information, but it does provide links to information for health professionals


From MIMS, use the search function to find a GP in your area.

The Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons

The Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons is a non-profit, professional association devoted to maintenance of excellent ethical and professional standards within the field and the provision of information to all interested parties

Radiology Info

RadiologyInfo is designed to answer consumers questions related to the many radiologic procedures and therapies available to you and your family. The Web site provides you with information whether you're preparing for a baseline mammogram, learning more about your child's x-ray, or researching radiation oncology (cancer therapy) procedures

The Cochrane Library

The Cochrane Library is a unique source of reliable and up-to-date information on the effects of interventions in health care. Published on a quarterly basis, The Cochrane Library is designed to provide information and evidence to support decisions taken in health care and to inform those receiving care

Cancer Resource Directory for Primary Care providers

The Cancer Council Australia has compiled a directory of cancer resources to support GPs and other health professionals.

MyHealth Record

Digital Health System for Healthcare Providers