All consultations/appointments with a health professional are made by phone booking only 03 9939 6741.
Standard appointments are usually 15 minutes in duration.
Longer appointments are available at request but higher fees will apply. Longer appointments are required for: cervical testing/HPV testing, a complex medical issue, more than three minor medical issues, mental health care plans, chronic disease management care plans, new patients, work-injury related consultations. Please call reception to enquire for a longer appointment time and applicable fees.
Each family member will require a separate appointment.
Home visits are provided by only some health practitioners (at their discretion) and is usually offered only to existing patients after a telephone discussion with the health practitioner.
A same day appointment or walk-in appointment may not always be possible to obtain so please call in the morning or as early as possible to enquire for a same day appointment availability. Reception can offer to place you on a specific practitioners' cancellation list and contact you should an appointment time becomes available on the day .
If you have an urgent issue and cannot obtain a same-day-appointment please contact the local Primary Priority Care Clinic (Local Government funded PPCC) in Sunshine (03) 8539 2772 or Maribyrnong (03) 9317 1717.
If you or a family member are experiencing a medical emergency (feeling seriously ill, have difficulty breathing, are in severe pain or have been in an accident) please alert reception for prompt medical assistance or call 000.
Medical emergencies or unexpected events can cause delays in the appointment schedule. Should there be delays in the appointment schedule reception will try to communicate this to you and offer alternative options such as rescheduling your appointments to another time.
If you are running late for your appointment, we will appreciate if you could please contact reception by phone-call to inform and to check whether or not the health practitioner is still able to see you.
If you are unable to attend your booked appointment time please contact reception by phone-call 03 9939 6741 during office hours to cancel or reschedule your appointment time. Cancellations need to be made a day before or at least 3 hours ahead of your booked appointment time, otherwise you will incur a missed appointment fee of $40 for a 15 min appointment block. Please note repeated missed appointments and failure to pay missed appointment fees will restrict your ability to make future appointments.
Please note that fees will apply for the following requests:
New Referrals
Prescriptions or repeat prescriptions
Test Results
Medical Records viewing/correction/uploading onto MyGov e-health record platform
Medical Certificates
Medical reports/work health assessments
Forms of documentation e.g. Centerlink forms, taxi applications, NDIS applications (Fees will apply)
will require an appointment time with your usual health practitioner and cannot be provided free of charge.
Seek on-the-day medical care:
• Rash (may need to isolate if also fever.. suspected measles)
• Persistent Vomiting and/or Diarrhoea
• Unwell child (fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, persistent cough or other symptoms)
• Eye problems or earache
• Fever in an Adult
• Limb Pain
• Experiencing problems after an operation
• Wound Infection
• Urinary Problems such as a urinary tract infection or UTI, but still able to urinate.
Discuss with Doctor or Nurse (may need to go to local PCC or hospital) Call Nurse-on-call in Victoria: 1300 60 60 24
• Bites from snakes, spiders and other animals
• Eye injuries
• Possible fractures
• Suspected meningitis
• Poisoning & overdose
• Psychological Distress
• Lacerations
• Severe pain (including headache)
• Pregnancy Problems (pain, bleeding, reduced movement)
• Suspected Abuse or Assault
• Back Pain
• Extremely Anxious Patient or Carer with extreme concern
• Swollen Limbs
• Visual Disturbance
• Under-dose (missed or wrong dose of medication)
Urgent hospital Care (go to hospital)
• Severe Abdominal pain
• Bleeding that is persistent or heavy
• Burns, either extensive or if the burn is on the hands or face
• Limb numbness
• Loss of speech
• Unable to urinate
• Some mental health presentations may also require urgent care. (Emergency mental health care team or Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team CATT)
Call emergency services immediately (000 For Ambulance)
• Allergic Reactions (regardless of whether an adrenaline pen has already been used)
• Breathing Difficulties (may be detected over the phone if the someone is not able to speak in complete sentences)
• Chest Pain (including Rib or Neck). Because of heart attack risk, which requires immediate access to a defibrillator.
• Choking
• Collapse or Semi Conscious
• Fitting or seizures
• Head Injuries
• Heart Palpitations
• Spinal Injury or Trauma
• Uncontrollable Bleeding
• Possible Stroke. Remember 'FAST’ Face or facial drooping Arm weakness Speech difficulties Time ... act fast.
Call emergency services immediately