Drugs of Dependence

The prescription of drugs of dependence is highly regulated in order to reduce the harm caused by the long-term use of these drugs.   

The health professionals at this facility acknowledge the importance that drugs of dependence have in  therapeutic pain  management but will only prescribe  in certain situations and under certain circumstances.

Drugs of dependence will not be prescribed to new patients to this facility. 

Patients are thoroughly assessed for clinical need and a detailed history is kept on their electronic health record. Patients  must enter into; a "drugs of dependence therapy agreement (contract), agree to be involved in a  "management  plan" and be referred to various specialists  (which can include but not be limited to pain specialists, rehab specialists, psychologists, physiotherapists) as part of their treatment.

The health professionals at this facility will  check investigation reports, specialist medical reports  and  review patient  management plans annually,  with the goal to achieve reduction in order to develop a "reduction plan".  

The health professionals at this facility are guided by RACGP recommendations for prescribing drugs of dependence in General Practice, and our practice is proactive in implementing  strategies for discontinuing opioids.

Please note the decision of whether or not to prescribe  a certain drug to patients to provide treatment is  up to an individual health professionals' discretion.   Some health professionals may decline to prescribe certain drugs of dependence  and other health professionals, who have previously prescribed, may wish to discontinue prescribing and transfer care to a nominated health professional.

At this facility individual health professionals have practice autonomy and  are not obligated to continue a treating relationship .  Individual doctors have the right to refuse to treat in defined circumstances and reserve the right to transfer care of aggressive patients or patients who  breach "acceptable behaviour agreements"