Different from other countries, GP's in Australia are not employed by the government, they are private doctors who run their own independent medical businesses.
The GP's at this location charge private fees for their consultations at which a Medicare Rebate can be claimed by the patient. As a patient you won't need to do anything, the claim for a Medicare Rebate is automatically sent to Medicare via the GP's practice system. On the day of your appointment, your treating GP will collect fees in full and transmit a claim for rebate on your behalf to Medicare. Medicare will transfer a rebate to your nominated bank account (the account that you've registered with Medicare) within 24-48 hours. Should you not receive your rebate please contact Medicare on 132 011.
Most GP's at this location will, for now, continue to bulk bill for people who have a valid Veteran Affairs Card, Pension/ Concession/Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card and children aged 15 or under on weekdays. Please note that different GPs may have different charges, please contact Main Reception for fees and charges.
Most GPS at this location will not bulk bill for Telehealth appointments, weekend, late afternoon, and long appointment bookings. The cost of procedures and documentation will also differ from GP to GP.
The below fees are a minimum guide only, bulk -billing is at the discretion of individual GP's. If uncertain please enquire service costs with your treating GP.
All New Patient appointments will require a Non-Refundable Deposit Fee of$65 at the time of booking and all patients who have not attended the clinic in the past 2 years will be considered as a New Patient (and a Long Consult fee will apply on returning to the clinic). Accounts not settled on the day will incur an administration charge and missed appointments will incur missed appointment fee charges; Please contact main reception (min. 3hrs) before your appointment time or on the previous business day to cancel if you are unable to attend; frequent missed appointments will not guarantee further booked appointments.
Consultations: Fee: Medicare Rebate: Gap (out of pocket):
Children aged <15 years old Bulk Billed
Pension card holders Bulk Billed
Healthcare/Concession Card holders Bulk Billed
Health Assessments & Care Plans Bulk Billed
Standard Consultation 1 issue (15min) Call Admin $42.85 Call Admin
Telehealth consultation (15 min) Call Admin $42.85 Call Admin
Long Consultation(<30 min) Call Admin $82.90 Call Admin
New / Returning Patient Call Admin $82.90 Call Admin
Work Related Injuries (no claim no. ) $200 min. No rebate Call Admin
Extended Consult (40min) Call Admin $114.95 Call Admin
Consultations on Saturaday (before 1.00P): Fee: Medicare Rebate: Gap (out of pocket):
Children aged <15 years old Call Admin $42.85 Call Admin
Pension card holders Call Admin $42.85 Call Admin
Healthcare/Concession Card holders Call Admin $42.85 Call Admin
Health Assessments & Care Plans Bulk Billed - -
Standard Consultation 1 issue (15min) Call Admin $42.85 Call Admin
Telehealth consultation (15 min) Call Admin $42.85 Call Admin
Long Consultation(<30 min) Call Admin $82.90 Call Admin
New / Returning Patient Call Admin $82.90 Call Admin
Work Related Injuries (no claim no. ) $200 min. No rebate Call Admin
Extended Consult (40min) Call Admin -- Call Admin
Other Services: Fee (no Medicare Rebate):
Missed appointment fee $40.00
Administration Fee & Account Keeping $20.00
Medical Records (depending on size) $80.00-$350.00 + Postage
Photocopying & Administration Time reasonable $0.20/page + $10/15min
NDIS and DSP forms or applications $200.00/15 min of GP time
Employment medical assessments $200.00/15 min of GP time
Taxi/ driver medical assessments $200.00/15 min of GP time
Insurance medical assessments; $200.00/15 min of GP time
Immigration medical assessments $200.00/15 min of GP time
Travel vaccinations and other non-government funded vaccinations Call Admin
Yellow Fever vaccinations $180.00 + Consult Fee
Q-Fever vaccinations :
1st Visit $80.00 + consult fee Tuesdays only (other days $100.00 +consult fee)
2nd Visit $160.00 + consult fee
Influenza Vaccine $20.00
Dressings /Plastering $5.00 - $50.00 Depending on size and limb type
Surgical procedures $150.00 min
Potential referred services Call referred services admin
Other services Call for quotation before commencing
Payments can be made in Cash, Direct Debit, Eftpos. Use of major credit cards (VISA/Amex) will attract a surcharge fee. Direct Debit payments must be made 2 days in advance of your appointment booking time.